Forest Biotics
From Wildcraft Forest Botanicals

A “Mother Tree” system of
harvesting and stewardship
By Don Elzer

At the Wildcraft Forest we use a “Mother Tree” system of harvesting and stewardship. Within our Forest Biotic Dispensaries the clients of wellness practitioners will be introduced to a “forest or land-based qi field” (chu-chong), which refers to the cultivation of an energy field, by a Mother Tree. In traditional Chinese culture, qì or ch'i (qì, also known as ki in Japanese culture) is an active principle within all living beings. In a forest every tree is linked to every other tree underground and on the surface through yeast corridors. Through these various pathways, trees and plants communicate with each other and then channel certain energies and behaviors.

The forest seeks to function as a living organism. As it moves and expands it creates “seed trees” also known as “Mother Trees”. The forest spirits the growth of these Mother Trees on her edge where she seeks to expand into a meadow or a savannah. She populates these edges with the spread of a great number of seeds and is assisted by messengers, which spread the seeds even further. The Mother Tree creates a forest community within a larger forest community interlocking a network of life and frequencies that link all the Mother Trees and then the greater forest nation.

This network of life creates sentient energies that are powered by the Mother Tree, which provides the “life force” for all that is connected to her. The forest has different energies depending in its locale from the Mother Tree and the ancients knew this power. With support from practitioners and through the use of these botanicals, the public will be introduced to forest-based feng shui, a form of wildcrafted geomancy. By understanding a forests qi field one can calculate the balance of qi and certain interactions between natural frequencies. The retention or dissipation of qi within a forest location will affect the health, vigor, energy level and many other aspects of the tree, fungi or plant residing in that location.

Applying wildcrafted feng shui:

  • Means that we would never cut down a Mother Tree.
  • Recognizes that wood for a house and home requires that it be harvested in an area where qi has the power of love and nurturing.
  • Recognizes that medicinal and food plants need to be harvested from areas where the appropriate elemental energies exist for the heart, mind etc.
  • Recognizes that wood for building a business structure requires that it be harvested in an area where qi has the power of prosperity and good luck.
  • Transforms Wildcrafters into lightworkers between the Mother Tree and humanity.
  • Encourages progressive consumers everywhere to not accept clearcutting methods because the wood is without proper qi and will be bad luck – this will change the current practice of industrialized resource extraction.
  • Sends a message that we need to protect and stay within reach of the Mother Tree.

Forest Biotics is a collection of wildcrafted wellness products sourced from pristine sanctuary forests in British Columbia. We have a passion for ecological stewardship and are driven by ethics whereby the health of wild places have a direct relationship to our own body, mind and spirit.

Main Website:
Extension Services:

Forest Biotics
Wildcraft Forest Botanicals
and Extension Services

Phone: 250.547.2001